Change Your Life

Are You In Need of Good Strong Counsel?



Feeling Down or Lost?

Let’s meet together and discuss new possibilities

José specializes in counseling with individuals to help find and implement viable solutions to their issues. Specializing in:

  • Stress and Cope Counseling
  • Fear and Phobia Counseling
  • Depression Counseling
  • Impending Death Counseling
  • Grief and Bereavement Counseling
  • Achievement Counseling
  • Faith and Focus Counseling

Talking with the right person can make all the difference in the world.

This is the place you can find real solutions to the issues that matter most to you. Have one-on-one real-life conversations with José to talk about the things that you want to know more about or get resolved. José will listen and help you find the answers that bring real life-changing results to keep you moving forward.

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    Contact José via Phone or Email

    These People Have Found Jose's Counseling Effective

    Jose is a wonderful counselor. From day one, he gave me great advice and the proper steps to help me resolve my problems. I find him to be a great listener and someone I can rely on to support and help me move forward towards my healing.

    Beverly Owens

    Jose has been great! He takes the time to let me vent out my frustrations while giving me sound and caring advice. I recommend him to anyone struggling emotionally.

    Tamara Jennings

    Jose has been an amazing help to me. Jose is very attentive and a genuine caring professional. He is very approachable and non judgmental. Jose has provided me with several tools and strategies to help me in dealing with a highly difficult situation. I will be forever grateful. With sincere thanks and much respect.

    Kim Araki

    Jose has helped me work through the hardest time in my life thus far. The dialogue we have shared has helped me progress and see things I would not have seen otherwise. He has helped to awaken my thoughts to a higher level of understanding, when time was of the most importance.

    Nicole Reese

    Five Steps to Your Personal Counseling Session

    Have Courage

    You may not ever come to know the innate power that lies within you to reach the place you desire if you don’t take this first step of having the courage to reach out to us. Don’t hesitate to move onto the next step of making an appointment to have a personal counseling session with one of our Professional Counseling Practitioners today.

    Make an Appointment

    Take a look at our Appointment / Booking Schedule to determine the best available slot for you and Book it now. It only takes a couple of minutes and you’ll be on your way to discovering any roadblocks to your progress, growth or change that you may need to experience a more fulfilling life.

    Speak Openly with Your Pathway Counselor

    You may feel a little awkward at first however, your Pathway Counselor understands your situation and will ask you the right questions to help you be more at ease and confident as you continue to explore and see your life in a different perspective.

    Follow Instructions Provided

    There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to resolving personal matters. Your Pathway Counselor will guide you towards certain actions that you may need to do for yourself in order for an effective change to occur. Apply those instructions to your situation as directed by your Pathway Counselor in order to achieve the best possible results for your life.

    Allow for a Followup Call

    Your Pathway Counselor will want to know if the instructions provided to you were helpful towards achieving effective results to your personal situation. Be certain to allow for any followup sessions which you may need to address any further issue or questions that you may have

    Are You Seeking Important Answers to Your Life?

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